Tuesday, November 12, 2019


In our topic today we will talk about the two major types of animals the vertebrates and invertebrates:
Resulta ng larawan para sa vertebrates Resulta ng larawan para sa invertebrates

Vertebrate animals are animals that have backbone or spinal column. And under this we have other 5 types of vertebrate animals and these are the:

1.) Mammals- came from the Latin word "mamma" meaning breasts.Mammals are often characterized by scientist by the presence of: three middle ear bone, produce milk for feeding, neocortex which is found in the brain, fur or hair, and lastly the mammary glands.According to encyclopedia there are at least 5,450 species of mammals in the whole world. We humans are also considered as mammals.
Resulta ng larawan para sa mammalsResulta ng larawan para sa mammals
2.)Reptile-are air breathing vertebrates covered in special skins made up of scales, bony plates, or a combination of two.They are also a cold-blooded vertebrates, they have dry skin and moves or crawl with it's belly or a short legs.Reptiles often lay soft-shelled eggs.There are recorded at least 7,700 species of reptiles.
Resulta ng larawan para sa reptilesResulta ng larawan para sa reptiles
3.)Amphibians- are also a cold-blooded vertebrates they don't have scales and live their lives part water and part on land. All amphibians begin their life in waters and they will undergo metamorphosis and develop lungs and legs for them to go to land. There are at least 7000 recorded types of amphibians.
Resulta ng larawan para sa amphibians Resulta ng larawan para sa amphibians
4.)Fish-All kinds of fish can be located in all bodies of water. They have gills and no lungs so that they can live peacefully in water but never in land. They don't have limbs rather they have fins so that they can freely in water. There are at least 34,000 species of fishes when all salt and fresh water species combined.
Resulta ng larawan para sa fish Resulta ng larawan para sa fish
5.)Birds-Are characterized by having feathers, four chambered heart, high metabolic rate, strong but lightweight bones, laying of hard eggs, and toothless beaked jaws. We humans eat many species of bird including their eggs and we use their feathers for clothing purposes. There are at least 10,000 recorded species of bird.
Resulta ng larawan para sa birdsResulta ng larawan para sa birds

Let's stop here first and continue tomorrow.

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